Sales Nivas Convent & St.Francis Sales School
Venganoor P.O. Thiruvananthapuram, 695523 - Kerala, india
Venganoor community
St. Francis Senior Secondary school was started in the year 2001. It is located in Venganoor a village close to the Vizhinjam harbour. This school was started as the upgradation of the St. Francis Lower Primary school at Kalluvettankuzhy which is half a mile away from this campus. This is a place known for its tourist attractions like beaches and resorts. We have students hailing from different socio - economic background . Following the spirit of our venerable founder , we sisters take care to reach out to children who are unprivileged and underprivileged. Many students receive scholarship for their studies. We have a committed team of teachers including sisters and we impart education in tune with the Salesian spirituality. Our students are well aware of our Patron St. Francis De Sales and our Founder. In fact one block of our school building is named after our venerable Founder. Currently we have 800 students on role and 50 teaching staff. Sr.Vincy Puthenpurackal is the Superior of the community and Manager of the school and Sr. Lisa Therese is the Principal of the school
Sales NIvas convent was opened on 6th January 2002. As the existing community was away from the school a small house near the school was converted into the convent. And a new convent was inaugurated in the same year on August 25th. Though the sisters are engaged in the school activities, we find time to visit families, organise prayer groups and support the local community in different ways. Our presence in this area over four decades have made great contributions for the local parish community and people around. We have active Participation in the activities of St. Peter’s Parish . sisters teach catechism in two sub-stations on Sundays. At present there are 7 sisters in the community.