Istituto "San Francesco di Sales"

via Portuense, 520 - 00149 Roma

"San Francesco di Sales" Institute in Rome

The "San Francesco di Sales" school, managed by the Congregation of the "Daughters of San Francesco di Sales", originates from the apostolic and ecclesial heart of Don Carlo Cavina, who was able to transmit love and passion for children and young people. The courageous parish priest from Romagna carried out his ministry in the difficult period of the Risorgimento and, above all, in the delicate moment of the transition from the power of the Church State to that of the Italian State, a passage characterized: - by popular uprisings and anti-clerical demonstrations; - from the confiscation of assets of many religious bodies by the state; - from the suppression of several parochial schools. In this difficult historical situation he had the intuition to found in Lugo, in the heart of the "Bassa" Romagna, a Congregation of Sisters who, inspired by St. Francis de Sales, his great spiritual teacher, dedicated themselves to the education of youth, in in a particular way through school and catechesis. After having expanded in the Romagna area within a few years, the Congregation "landed" in Rome in 1937.

The land on which our School currently stands, about halfway along the long Via Portuense, was at the time occupied by a totally uncultivated area, only rarely were there cultivated fields. The territory was part of the Parish of Santa Maria del Carmine and S. Giuseppe, popularly called "Parrocchietta", with headquarters in Via del Casaletto, held by the Capuchin Minor Friars of the Emilia-Romagna Province. It was one of them, fra Giovanni da S. Giovanni in Persiceto, the first ecclesiastical consultant appointed by Pope Pius XI to the Italian Embassy to the Vatican, very close to the Congregation, who took an interest and made contacts for the purchase of the land with a small house. of just six rooms, called by the few inhabitants of the area, because of its shape and its small size "the cube". Here the first group of nuns from Romagna settled, who with great adaptability knew how to transform those rooms into a refectory, a cutting and sewing workshop, crowded school classrooms by day, a dormitory for the nuns by night. With the passing of time and the building increase in the area, delayed compared to other Roman suburbs, the "cube" was enlarged. The works began in March 1941, while the Second World War was in progress, were suspended in 1942, as the construction materials were not available, resumed in 1950 when the small branch church of the HISTORY OF INSTITUTE 5 "Parrocchietta" was built in the land adjacent to the School, ceded by the Congregation to the Vicariate of Rome. 1962 saw the completion of the expansion works and the school was completed and ready to welcome more than three hundred children. Since then, the School, faithful to the charism of its foundation, has continued its educational apostolate by committing human and material resources, time and space, offering pupils an integral education from a human, cultural and Christian point of view, responding as much as possible to needs and needs of families.

Since 1987, the school, which is located in the Monteverde Nuovo neighborhood, has belonged to the territory of the parish of Our Lady of Coromoto. The school includes: “Little footsteps” kindergarten: for children aged 12 to 24 months Cucciolandia: for children aged 24 to 36 months Kindergarten: for children aged 3 to 5 Primary School: for pupils from 1st to 5th class The training offer is very wide; at the Primary School, in addition to the curricular disciplines, it includes a cycle of Theater Laboratory lessons in each class, creative writing workshops led by a writer and a psychologist, First Aid courses from the last year of the Kindergarten to the 5th class , organized by the 118 operators. In the afternoon, students are offered courses to strengthen the English language organized by the British Academy, yoga, basketball, classical and modern dance courses, Theater Workshop. From the current school year an experimental project started with the two 1st class classes of the Primary School, the first in Italy, in collaboration with the "Eleusis" Group of the Theater Laboratory, followed and monitored by the Faculty of Primary Education Sciences of the Roma Tre University: the "theatrical class". It is a class in which theater educators and curricular teachers work in synergy to build, day after day, teaching based on active experience, in constant dialogue with families, to promote well-being at school and effective, lasting and creative learning.

Where We Are
